Even as a child, I liked to observe, to think outside the box, and one day as a six-year-old, I announced to my parents: "I've always known this is one world because there's a fence around it."
Fences are my symbol for boundaries that we humans, mostly unquestioningly, set for ourselves:
In thinking, in feeling also in our actions. I have discovered and tested not just one, but many mental fences and have succeeded in surmounting several of them. This has allowed me to expand my comfort zone and acquire lightness.
Through my own meanderings and phases of change in life, I have been able to experience the beneficial effectiveness of systemic coaching. By realizing that the world and many everyday situations are not always black and white but sometimes infinitely gray, and being able to choose between "either-or" and "both-and" has made me an optimist for the future.
As such, I would like to encourage different perspectives so that women who want to grow are inspired and encouraged to walk their path with confidence and joy.
Workshop Prof. Barbara Fredrickson: "Practical Steps to Resonance"
Akademie Kind, Jugend, Familie, Graz
TA fresh up: "Communication with the Functional Fluency Model" with Anette Dielmann
S.ALT and more, Mödling, Austria
Workshop Prof. Roy F. Baumeister: "Willpower and Self-Regulation"
Akademie Kind, Jugend, Familie, Graz, Austria
Communication training for female executives
business consulting Dr. Peter Modler, München, Germany
Workshop "Reach Forgiveness"
Vienna International Positive Psychology School, Vienna, Austria
Certification for the application of the PERMA-Lead® method
ebner-team.com GmbH, Vienna, Austria
TA-202: Systemic transactional analysis for work in and with organizations
S.ALT and more, Mödling, Austria
Online impulse day: The communication square in application and practice
Schulz von Thun Institute for Communication, Hamburg, Germany
Introduction to systemic structural constellations (SySt®)
SySt-Institut, Institute for systemic education, training and research, Munich, Germany
TA-101: Introduction in transactional analysis
S.ALT and more, Mödling, Austria
Online impulse day: First aid in conflicts
Schulz von Thun Institute for Communication, Hamburg, Germany
Coaching Campus: Training in systemic consulting
Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg, Vienna, Austria
Online Impulse day: Self-Management with the inner team
Schulz von Thun Institute for Communication, Hamburg, Germany
Solutions with the system board: System board basic
Wolfgang Polt, Linz, Austria
Change Campus: Change-management advanced
Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg, Vienna, Austria
CAG Executive Academy / Executive development
LIMAK Austrian Business School, Linz, Austria
Business Manager, MSc
M/O/T School of Management, Organizational Development and Technology,
University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Architecture degree
Technical university of Graz, Austria & Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
career path
Since 09.2023
Since 02.2023
associate CONSIGLIERIA personal & organisational development GmbH
Wien, Österreich
self employed management consultant & business-coach
Vienna, Austria
sales management
PREFA Aluminiumprodukte GmbH I Marktl, Austria
technical management austria
Bemo Systems Engineering GmbH I Ilshofen, Germany
key account management & technical distribution
Semmelrock Stein + Design GmbH & CoKG I Klagenfurt, Austria
project management international projects
GriffnerHaus AG I Griffen, Austria
executive assistant
GriffnerHaus Italia srl I Udine, Italy
culture management & city marketing
Graz, Austria